The Centre conducts the National Crime Mapping Survey (Public Perceptions of Crime Patterns and Trends in Kenya) every two years, with a view to map out and analyze crime incidents, patterns and trends across forty seven (47) counties in Kenya. The national crime mapping surveys inform security planning and coordination, crime prevention and national crime database.

The key thematic areas covered in the surveys are: crime prevalence, crime typologies, hotspots and criminal gangs, root causes of crime, victim support services and recommendations on crime prevention.  The one year in between the surveys facilitates implementation of the study recommendations before the subsequent survey.

Crimes are dynamic in different counties and regions. Some areas tend to have high crime concentrations, whereas others have less crime incidences. Areas deemed to have higher concentration of crime incidences are referred to as crime hotspots. Cybercrime is a fast-growing area of crime in Kenya. The identification of crime hotspots is critical in ensuring the right strategies are deployed to address the crimes. The surveys maps out crime hotspots per county, constituency and ward level for ease of reference by security agencies and other stakeholders in the criminal justice system charged with safeguarding Kenyans.Crime Hotspots 2018